Disfigured Faces, “Accursed Ugliness”, and Hollywood
Paddy Adamson on Hollywood's obsession with disfigured faces, and the negative impact such representations have on understandings of disfigurement.
Paddy Adamson on Hollywood's obsession with disfigured faces, and the negative impact such representations have on understandings of disfigurement.
While before-and-after photographs serve an important medical function in recording a physical journey, our research goes behind these images to understand patients’ journeys, including the emotional and physical journey they go through.
As we near the end of 2021, the AboutFace team has been reflecting on the year so far. It’s been...
A Hidden Community: The Movement for Face Equality Facial disfigurement is a globally neglected human rights issue By Phyllida Swift...
Why hasn’t it happened yet? Barriers to face transplantation in the UK There have been 48 face transplants around the...
Robert Chelsea and the First African American Face Transplant: Two Years On By Fay Bound Alberti On 27 July 2019,...
History has Many Faces This is a post about the conditions in which I am able to research facial difference...
From unideal circumstances to the “ideal” facial transplantation candidate: Lessons from visible difference research on the importance of patient-focused psychological...
Image credit: Len Rubenstein In 2007, Carmen Tarleton was attacked in bed by her ex-husband, who broke into the home...
Our final blog for Face Equality Week 2020 is a history of the campaign for face equality. It is written...