Disfigured Faces, “Accursed Ugliness”, and Hollywood
Paddy Adamson on Hollywood's obsession with disfigured faces, and the negative impact such representations have on understandings of disfigurement.
Paddy Adamson on Hollywood's obsession with disfigured faces, and the negative impact such representations have on understandings of disfigurement.
While before-and-after photographs serve an important medical function in recording a physical journey, our research goes behind these images to understand patients’ journeys, including the emotional and physical journey they go through.
Diminishing their Voices: Face Transplants, Patients, and Social Media A video showing a woman inside a spider monkey enclosure at...
Robert Chelsea and the First African American Face Transplant: Two Years On By Fay Bound Alberti On 27 July 2019,...
Part of our Emotions and Ethics series, this guest blog on medical photography in historical enquiry is written by workshop...
Dr Barry James Gibbbarryjamesgibb.com As a filmmaker, I’m in the business of reading faces. And, while it would be easy...