Framing The Face: history, emotion, transplantation

Fri, 25 October 2019 - Fri, 25 October 2019, 2.00 - 7.00pm

The Hospitium, Museum Gardens, York, YO30 7DR

● How do you feel about your face?
● Who would you be, without it?
● Would you donate your face, or that of your loved one?
● If not, why not?

Join us for a discussion of the social, cultural, emotional and medical meanings and associations of faces, facial transplants, and identity, followed by a drinks-reception at the launch of AboutFace.

Cultural historian Fay Bound Alberti will be joined by Consultant head, neck and facial surgeon Daniel Saleh, clinical psychologist Sue Brown, writer Louisa Young, artists Lucy Burscough and Clare Whistler and James Partridge, founder of Face Equality. The discussion will be chaired by Professor Deborah Smith, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of York.

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